Other websites and organisations that may be of interest to Labour Against the War supporters include:
Labour Conference
website: www.labourconference.netSave the Labour Party
website: www.savethelabourparty.orgLabour Left Briefing
website: www.labourleftbriefing.org.uk;
email: [email protected].Stop the War Coalition (07951 235 915)
website: www.stopwar.org.uk
email: [email protected]
Snail mail address: PO Box 3739, London E5 8EJCount the Casualties
website: http://www.countthecasualties.org.uk/
The government has made no effort to count how many Iraqis have died or been injured since the invasion. Independent estimates, published by Iraq Body Count and The Lancet, suggest that tens of thousands may have perished. The government rejects this research but refuses to provide any assessment of its own. Join the demand for an independent assessment.Leftweb
website: www.leftweb.org
Leftweb is a portal for the UK Labour movementIraqi Democrats Against Occupation
website: www.idao.org
For a united, independent, progressive IraqThe New Socialist Network
website: http://www.newsocialistnetwork.com
A democratic movement independent of all other bodies & interest groups seeking to achieve its aims through established parliamentary groups.Iraq Occupation Focus
website: http://www.iraqoccupationfocus.org.uk
A London-based group campaigning to end the occupation of Iraq by coalition forces through action and media work.Activist Network
website: http://www.activistnetwork.org.uk
Activist Network is an online space that is unique in its open and transparent nature where all people who share progressive values are free to share ideas, opinions and information.
NB: The International Committee of the Red Cross Report that the US and UK Government’s don’t want you to see can be accessed and read through the forums at: http://www.activistnetwork.org.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=21DIRECT ACTION AGAINST WAR (DAAW)
To join the network send a blank email to: [email protected]Check out the most recent images from Iraq by clicking on this website.
* * * Warning this site contains very graphic images. * * *Eye witness Iraq:
Jo Wilding [email protected]Network for Peace
website: www.networkforpeace.org.ukTruth Out
website: http://www.truthout.org/Banners Still Bright website: http://www.bannersstillbright.co.uk
Banners Still Bright is a website of pictures of banners in the movement: “Without a banner, they will call us a rabble. With a banner we march with a reason. Together many banners gives us strength. A sea of banners and we are a movement.”Voices in the Wilderness (UK) website: http://www.voicesuk.org/
UK Campaigning aginst economic sanctions and war on Iraq.
Also see the Voices US site for information on the Iraq Peace Team.Movement for the Abolition of War (UK)
website: http://www.abolishwar.org.uk/home.shtmlIndiamedia (UK)
website: http://www.indymedia.org.uk/enCND Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
website: http://www.cnduk.orgCAAT Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK)
website: http://www.caat.org.uk/Greenpeace (UK)
website: http://www.greenpeace.org.ukOur World Our Say (UK)
website: http://www.owos.infoOpen Democracy
website: http://www.opendemocracy.net/home/index.jspOne World
website: http://www.oneworld.net/article/frontpage/10/3Amnesty International
website: http://www.amnesty.orgUnited Nations
website: http://www.un.org/Move On (USA)
website: http://www.moveon.org/frontInformation Clearing House (USA)
website: http://www.informationclearinghouse.infoEnd the War (The National Grassroots Peace Network) (USA)
website: http://www.endthewar.org/default-new.htmCommon Dreams News Center (USA)
website: http://www.commondreams.orgTrue Majority (USA)
website: http://action.truemajority.org/welcome.aspCounter Punch (USA)
website: http://www.counterpunch.comAnti War (USA)
website: http://www.antiwar.com/Reason On Line (USA)
website: http://www.reason.comArab Media Watch (UK)
website: http://www.arabmediawatch.comThe Socialist Magazine
website: http://www.sp-usa.org/socialist
The official publication of the Socialist Party USA. The Socialist Party is an American “socialist-party” that represents one of the many social-democratic movements in the United States.The Cellar Door
website: http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/aarongTribune
website: http://www.tribuneweb.co.ukIRAQ – the next US WAR – 1350 Top Links for Activists! website: http://www.betterworldlinks.org
Peace, Justice, Human Rights, Environment, etc.Change the World
website: www.howyoucanchangetheworld.com
This website contains ideas on how to promote social and economic changeMinistry for Peace
website: www.ministryforpeace.org.uk
Aims to create a ministerial post for peace.Leeds Coalition Against the War
website: http://www.lcaw.co.uk