Labour Party Conference


The mailing for the 2006 annual conference to be held in Manchester should have been posted to CLPs before Christmas, with a deadline for delegates and nominations of 24 March 2006 (although CLPs who have not replied will be offered another chance to send delegates).

It is important that delegates at the Labour Party annual conference discuss Iraq and to ensure this we must all pull out the stops now. Please consider standing for election as your CLP delegate to Labour Party annual conference (most CLPs will subsidise delegates for reasonable accommodation and travel expenses).

Email [email protected] with details of your conference delegates especially if they are anti-war.

   24/03/06 : “First” deadline for receipt of CLP delegate nominations

   09/06/06 : Deadline for receipt of constitutional amendments

   15/09/06 : Provisional deadline for receipt of contemporary resolutions

   22/09/06 : Provisional deadline for receipt of emergency resolutions

Even if you are not a delegate why not come to conference anyway? There is always a lively fringe (some say there is more political debate on the fringe than conference anyway). LAtW are holding our annual fringe event on Sunday 24 September 2006 (7pm) at the Friends meeting House. 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS. Full details will follow when available. Watch this page for updates and/or see our regular bulletins.

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